QingMadi Is Set To Release the “Qing Madi” Deluxe EP
QingMadi Is Set To Release the “Qing Madi” Deluxe EP
Qing Madi

QingMadi Is Set To Release the “Qing Madi” Deluxe EP


Qing Madi has revealed a noteworthy contribution to her discography and music lovers cannot wait to have a listen.

Qing Madi after sharing the details of her self-titled first EP has announced plans for a deluxe edition.

Two new tracks are included in this enhanced version of the EP, “YBIL” with Kizz Daniel being one of them. Friday, July 5th is the planned release date for the deluxe edition.

With new, fascinating tracks guaranteed to enthrall her expanding fan base, this thrilling development represents another significant turning point in the musician’s rapidly developing career.

PreSave Deluxe EP here

Qing Madi

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